Maureen Mason, DPT
Pregnancy can be blissful and care free, or some women start to develop musculoskletal problems such as pelvic pain, back pain, hip pain, and bladder pain. Our national organization has links explaining pregnancy related physical therapy, and specifically pelvic pain, check it out:
Be an advocate for yourself and speak to your health care provider to obtain a prescription for specialty Pelvic PT, with goals to increase your comfort, confidence, safety, and fitness power during the pregnancy and in preparation for baby care. Direct access also allows women to come in independently for musculoskeletal screening, such as diastasis rectus abdominus testing, load transfer and body mechanics, sacro -iliac and pubic symphysis alignment, pain and spasm, and biomechanic analysis. (Also I screen for red flags such as high blood pressure which may sneak up on you). Pelvic muscles and the abdomen and spine can benefit from mini workouts and longer exercise routines as needed. Women who exercise at their own comfort level and capacity have better pregnancy outcomes in general re shorter labors and interventions.Also, binders, belts and belly bands may help and we can offer expert advice and equipment sampling. Here is a direct quote from a recent systematic review of Physical exercise during pregnancy, Nascimento, S, Surita, F, and Cecatti J, Current Opinion,, Lippincot Williams and Wilkens; “Exercises during pregnancy are associated with higher cardiorespiratory fitness, prevention of urinary incontinence and low back pain, reduced symptoms of depression, gestational weight gain control, and for cases of gestational diabetes, reduced number of women who required insulin.” The trouble with musculoskletal pain is, it may limit your ability to participate in activities of daily living as well as fitness programs. Feel free to call for a complimentary question and answer as you may need, I often provide yoga and pilates exercises adapted for therapeutic purposes, to make programs fun and mind body spirit engaged. All the best to you, stay fit and functional, of 2 girls!